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The interaction of new fluphenazine analogues with lipid membrane

Katarzyna Cieślik-Boczula 1Piotr Świątek 2Agata Z. Jaszczyszyn 3Wiesław Malinka 2Kazimierz Gąsiorowski 3

1. University of Wrocław, Faculty of Chemistry, Joliot-Curie 14, Wrocław 50-383, Poland
2. Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Chemistry of Drugs, Tamka 1, Wrocław 50-137, Poland
3. Wrocław Medical University, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Kochanowskiego 14, Wrocław 51-601, Poland


The fluphenazine (FPh) related compounds are active late chemoprevention substances. They are inhibitors of Pgp transport function and may act chemo-sensitizing trough several mechanizms like: 1. by binding directly to the Pgp and lowering the affinity of the outward transport activity of the protein molecules, 2. by impairing the function of Pgp through the disruption of the cell membrane lipid environment in the immediate vicinity of the protein.

As the changes of membrane structure and physical properties seems to be a crucial point of multidrug resistance (MDR) reversion, the interaction of two new analogues of FPh SM14 and SM19 with DPPC (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) membranes studied by means of the IR-ATR (Infrared Spectroscopy-Attenuated Total Reflectance) method will be presented.

Both compounds penetrate deeply into the DPPC membranes, causing the greatest changes in the trans-gauche isomerization of the hydrocarbon lipid chains, which leads to a decrease in the tmperature of the chain-melting phase transition in dpoed lipid bilayers. Howeever, the character of that alterations strongly dependent on the presence of the OH group in aminoalkyl side-chain. In order to maximalize the information from infrared spectroscopy experiments, the MCR-ALS (Multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares) analysis was applied to the IR-ATR spectra.

Acknowledgment:  This work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education (grant no. N N204150338) and by European Union within European Social Fund, Human Capital.


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Submitted: 2012-03-15 07:30
Revised:   2012-03-16 08:39