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Literary and scientific texts in network representation

Andrzej Kulig 1Iwona Grabska-Gradzińska 2Stanisław Drożdż 1,3Jarosław Kwapień 1

1. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Physics (IFJ PAN), Radzikowskiego 152, Kraków 31-342, Poland
2. Jagellonian University, Faculty of Physics And Applied Computer Science, ul. Reymonta 4, Kraków 30-059, Poland
3. Cracow University of Technology, Institute of Computing Science, Al. Jana Pawła II 37, Kraków 31-864, Poland


We present results from our quantitative study of statistical and network properties of literary and scientific texts written in two languages: English or Polish. By using the Zipf analysis, we show some quantitative differences between the Polish and English language as well as between literary and scientific texts in both languages. We then transform the texts into their network representations and find that in each case the corresponding networks are hierarchical. If we quantify the networks by their basic statistics like the clustering coefficient, the average shortest path length, and the network centrality, we find other differences between the languages, which can be attributed to differences in grammar. However, we observe also important similarities between different texts written in either language.


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Submitted: 2012-01-23 09:00
Revised:   2012-01-30 15:50