N.W.A. van Uden and D.J. Dunstan
Diamond-anvil cells readily generate pressures of many GPa in a very small sample volume, but in biological systems and soft solids many interesting phase transitions happen below 1 GPa and often require a larger sample volume (for example measurements on large unfolding proteins). This requires modification of a standard diamond-anvil cell in order to operate successfully at relatively low pressures (up to 2.5GPa) and larger sample volume.
By using the diamond-anvil cell with only one anvil, modest pressures in relatively large volumes can be achieved. We successfully demonstrate this to pressures up to 2.5GPa with gaskets of steel, brass and other metals, with a sample chamber 0.25 mm diameter by 0.25 - 0.9 mm depth, and with various pressure media.
In this way the diamond-anvil cell shows to be a perfectly safe and easy to use device for pressure experiments on biological systems and soft solids.