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Nanotechnology in the EU Framework Programme

Angela Hullmann 

European Commission, Brussels, Belgium


Nanotechnology is a growing field, where the resources needed are significant in terms of human creativity, scientific infrastructures and available funds, but where private investment is still limited. To benefit from the opportunities offered by nanotechnology, both scientific and technical challenges must be met: to increase our basic understanding of the nano-world; to create new materials, devices and processes; to integrate nano components in micro and macro applications; to establish new tools and techniques for industrial manufacture. There are also many challenges at a structural level: to maximise the efficiency of publicly funded pre-competitive research; to educate the next generation of students, researchers and technicians; to enhance societal awareness and perception; to develop metrology and standardisation for increased precision and accuracy; to secure an overall safe and responsible development of nanotechnology. These issues are addressed by the European Commission with a specific Communication on nanotechnology.

The 6th Framework Programme will contribute to the creation of the European Research Area. It will have both a strategic and structuring character. Research projects with a strategic, high added value for Europe will be supported. A set of initiatives will be launched for structuring European research and reinforcing its foundations. Efforts will be put to renewing the enthusiasm in Europe for science and technology, and to achieving enhanced critical mass through an enlarged international co-operation. Researchers (in academia, industry, centres, …) will be called to play a more prominent role in solving today’s challenges in society for improving the quality of life of European citizens and boosting Europe’s competitiveness within a sustainable growth.

A wide range of actions is supported within the 6th Framework Programme. First of all integrated projects and network of excellence, but also other type of


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Presentation: invited oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004, Funding Workshop, by Angela Hullmann
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004

Submitted: 2004-07-06 11:21
Revised:   2009-06-08 12:55