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Synthesis and antifungal activity of novel S-esters and S,S'-diesters of N'-(2-hydroxybenzoyl) hydrazinecarbo- dithioic acids

Katarzyna Gobis 1Henryk Foks 1Anna Kędzia 2

1. Medical University of Gdańsk, Department of Organic Chemistry, Gen. J. Hallera Street 107, Gdańsk 80-416, Poland
2. Medical University of Gdańsk, Department of Oral Microbiology, Do Studzienki 38, Gdańsk 80-227, Poland


It has been well proved that various derivatives of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (salicilic acid) exhibit strong antimicrobial activity [1]. Among others same halogenated salicilanilides show high antifungal action [2]. Undertaking studies in that research field we have synthesized a series of novel S-esters and S,S'-diesters of N'-(2-hydroxybenzoyl), N'-(2,4-dihydroxybenzoyl), and N'-(5-chloro-2-hydroxybenzoyl)  hydrazinecarbodithioic acid. Methyl esters 1-3 of appropriate carboxylic acids led to hydrazides 4-6 and N'-methylhydrazides 7-9 while treated with hydrazine hydrate or methylhydrazine. Hydrazides 4-6 applied to the reaction with carbon disulfide and appropriate halides in the presence of triethylamine gave cyclic 1,3-dithiolane and 1,3-dithiane derivatives 10-15, S-esters 16, 17 and S,S'-diesters 25-34 while N'-methylhydrazides 7-9 reacted to S-esters 18-24. In two cases 1,3,4-oxadiazole-5-thiones 35, 36 were formed in side reactions.


The structures of novel compounds were confirmed by IR and 1H NMR spectra. Antifungal activity was examined towards 9 species of Candida genus isolated from oral cavity and respiratory tract of patients with infections.


[1] H. Lamaire, C.H. Schramm, A. Cahn, J. Pharm. Sci. 50, 1961, 831-832.

[2] J. Vinsova, A. Imramovsky, V. Buchta, M. Ceckova, M. Dolezal, F. Staud, J. Jampelek, J. Kaustova, Molecules 12, 2007, 1-12.


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Submitted: 2010-02-25 18:43
Revised:   2010-04-04 22:52