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Application of net shape technology to the development of solid oxide fuel cells

Piotr Jasinski 1,2Vladimir Petrovsky 2Takaomi Suzuki 2Tatiana Petrovsky 2Harlan U. Anderson 2

1. Gdansk University of Technology (PG), Narutowicza 11/12, Gdańsk 80-952, Poland
2. University of Missouri Rolla (UMR), 303 MRC, Rolla, MO 65409, United States


Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are concerned to be the most efficient future energy source. At the current development stage several problems must still be solved to increase the performance and stability of SOFC and decrease its price. In particular:
1.cost effective ways of thin film electrolyte processing should be developed,
2.interfacial reactions, which occur between the electrodes and electrolyte due to high-temperature processing, should be avoided,
3.catalytic activity of electrodes should be increased.
This paper presents an alternative and cost effective method, which may offer solution to described problems. The method called net shape technology is a low sintering temperature process technique which employs a combination of colloidal suspension and polymer precursor techniques. Using proposed technology both dense and porous films having the thickness from 1 to 10 m can be prepared. Therefore this technology can be used to the preparation of dense electrolyte films on either cathode or anode support, as well as porous electrodes on dense electrolyte. The net shape technology can be used to preparation of anode or cathode support. In this case, instead of colloidal suspension technique, conventional sintering of powder with pore former is performed. Obtained in this way ceramic skeleton is backfilled with polymer precursor. In the paper examples of application of net shape technology to the development of electrolytes, anodes and cathodes have been presented.


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Related papers

Presentation: oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004, Symposium A, by Piotr Jasinski
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004

Submitted: 2004-05-20 17:15
Revised:   2009-06-08 12:55