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Conductivity in quantum wires in a homogeneous magnetic field |
Elerlanj P. Sinjavsky 1, R. A. Hamidullin 1, Albina A. Nikolaeva 1,3, Huber T. 2, Leonid A. Konopko 1 |
1. Institute of Applied Physics (IAP), str. Academiei 5, Kishinev MD-2028, Moldova |
Abstract |
In model of parabolic potentials taken into account the anisotropy of effective mass of current carriers it is calculated electroconductivity of quantum wires in the homogeneous magnetic field, directed along a surface of the size-limited system, and field perpendicular to axis of spatial quantization. Temperature and field dependences of conductivity for nondegenerated and degenerated quantum quasy one-dimensional systems are investigated. The received results for electroconductivity are compared to experimental data [1].The features of electroconductivity, arising in quantum systems with the lowered dimension are in detail discussed. In particular it is shown, that in a perpendicular magnetic field conductivity in systems with the lowered dimension in a quantum limit ωcτ >>1 (ωc- cyclotron frequency, 1/τ it is determined by probability of carriers scattering on acoustic oscillations) can be much more, than in bulk semi-conductor systems. This circumstance can appear one of the possible reasons of sharp increase in electroconductivity in the perpendicular magnetic field, experimentally observed in quantum wires Bi [1] with thickness about <100nm.
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004, Symposium I, by Elerlanj P. SinjavskySee On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004 Submitted: 2004-05-14 12:54 Revised: 2009-06-08 12:55 |