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The effect of heat treatment on the phase constitution and magnetic properties of the Pr9Fe60Co13Zr1Ti3B14 alloy ribbons |
Piotr Pawlik 1, Katarzyna Pawlik 1, Hywel A. Davies 2, Jerzy J. Wysłocki 1, Piotr Gębara 1 |
1. Institute of Physics, Częstochowa University of Technology, Al. Armii Krajowej 19, Częstochowa 42-200, Poland |
Abstract |
Fully amorphous samples of the Pr9Fe60Co13Zr1Ti3B14 alloy were produced by the melt-spinning technique under an Ar atmosphere. In as-cast state the ribbon samples were soft magnetic with the coercivity field JHc of ~ 10 A/m and saturation magnetization Jr of ~1 T. Subsequent annealing at various temperatures Ta (from 923K to 973K for 10 min), resulted in evolution of the phase constitution together with significant change of their magnetic properties. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) revealed presence of the hard magnetic Pr2(Fe,Co)14B phase precipitated during annealing. However, the quantitative analysis of Mössbauer spectra, shown multiphase constitution of the alloy with relatively low volume fraction of this crystalline phase. Furthermore, the temperature dependences of the magnetization confirmed differences in constitution of the samples annealed at various temperatures. The room temperature measurements of the hysteresis loops indicated very good hard magnetic properties of annealed ribbons. The coercivity field increased from 28 kA/m to 1360 kA/m for the ribbons annealed respectively at 923K and 973 K. The aim of present work was to determine correlations between the phase constitution and magnetic properties of ribbon samples. Work supported by the research project No N N507 372 735 financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education in years: 2008-2011
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Presentation: Poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Symposium H, by Piotr Gębara Submitted: 2009-05-25 14:25 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:48 |