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Composite material microstructure design by means of T-x-y diagram computer model

Vasily Lutsyk 1Vera Vorobjeva Anna Zelenaya 

1. Buryat Scientific Centre of RAS, Physical Problems Department (BSC), 8 Sahyanova str, Ulan-Ude 670047, Russian Federation


Phase diagram (PD) is the main tool for heterogeneous design (HD) - new approach of solid state chemistry, which opens new opportunities for composite materials engineering [Lutsyk V. Heterogeneous design: phase diagram – microstructure – materials genotype // P. 304-344.].

By means of PD geometrical elements projecting in the direction of concentration simplex, we divide the phase regions beneath into thermodynamically unstable fragments. PD computer model permits to decipher the horizontal and vertical sections of these fragments, surfaces and phase regions, to simulate the crystallization paths and to calculate the mass-balances for the structural elements and their conglomerates.

Two types of material balances may be shown: vertical – for the given centre of masses (in the temperature interval), and horizontal – an isothermal one, which coincides with the isopleth position.

Any surface is presented as a pseudo-ruled one, when a space curve moves along the analogously given directing curves [Lutsyk V., Zyryanov A. Microstructures design in the ternary systems with the only solubility gap // MRS Proceed. 2004. Vol. 804, P. 349-355].

T-x-y diagram computer model elaboration starts with its geometrical description, when all types of points, lines, surfaces and phase regions are named in special way. As the tabular schemes of phase reactions include the phase trajectories, it helps to designate the boundaries of two-phase regions too.

The term “genotype” is offered to take into account the whole variants of microstructures which can be realized at definite thermodynamic conditions. HD can be used to predict the microstructure of composite materials and to decipher their genotype, which is determined by PD topology.

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Presentation: Oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Symposium I, by Vasily Lutsyk
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009

Submitted: 2009-05-11 12:56
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:48