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Influence of thickness of PbS thin films on the scattering mechanis |
Dmytro M. Freik , Lyubomyr I. Nykyruy , Ivan V. Kalytchuk , Volodymyr F. Pasichnyak |
Physical-Chemical Institute at the 'Vasyl Stefanyk' Prekarpathian University (PCI), 57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk 76000, Ukraine |
Abstract |
The thickness dependence of Hall mobility is explored on the films of n-PbS, grown from a vapor phase by the "hot-wall" method of on (111) BaF2.
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004, Symposium H, by Dmytro M. Freik Submitted: 2004-04-28 16:14 Revised: 2009-06-08 12:55 |