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Raman intensity : an important tool in the study of nanomaterials and nanostructures

Aneta Slodczyk ,  Philippe Colomban 

LADIR-CNRS (LADIR), 2 rue Henry Dunant, Thiais 94320, France


The measurements of the relative Raman intensity are used mainly to map quantitatively the amount, distribution and degree of crystallisation of different phases in a material [1,2]. Our studies reveal that the analysis of the relative or absolute Raman intensity is much more powerful tool which allows to understand and characterize the modifications of the crystal/amorphous structure due to:

  •  changes of the long range order correlations as the function of the nanoregion organization in the case of PMN-PT [3] relaxor ferroelectric materials. The significant decrease of Raman intensity with the temperature increasing reveals the continuous evolution of the local symmetry towards the long range cubic one.
  • changes of the Si-O network caused by the depolymerisation resulting from the substitution of the Si4+ ions (covalent bonds) by the M+ cations (ionic bonds) [4,5] or by the incorporation of the metallic nanoprecipitates [5,6]. SiO4 tetrahedron is a strong chemical and vibrational entity and the Raman signature reveals the different conformations. The transition from a highly connected tetrahedral structure to a weakly connected tetrahedral units as caused by the addition of fluxing agents is reflected in the Raman spectrum by modifications of the Si-O intensity. If the laser excitation interact with the Plasmon absorption of Ag° or Cu° nanoparticles dispersed in the glass (ancient or modern) the Raman scattering probes only the Si-O bonds interacting with the M° nanoparticles and strong intensity changes are measured [6].

1. Ph. COLOMBAN, Spectroscopy Europe 15 [6] (2003) 8-15

2. G. GOUADEC, Ph. COLOMBAN, Progr. Cryst. Growth & Charact. Mat. 53  (2007) 1-56

3. A. SLODCZYK, Ph. COLOMBAN, M. PHAM-THI, J. Phys. Chem. Solids

4. Ph. COLOMBAN, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 323 (2003) 180-187

5.Ph. COLOMBAN, A. TOURNIE, L. BELLOT-GURLET, J. Raman Spectrosc.  37 (2006)  841-852

6. Ph. COLOMBAN, H. SCHREIBER, J. Raman Spectrosc. 36 (2005) 884-890


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Presentation: Oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2008, Symposium A, by Aneta Slodczyk
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2008

Submitted: 2008-05-22 11:21
Revised:   2008-06-13 16:32