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Properties investigations of Bi2O3·GeO2 glass systems |
Ciceron A. Berbecaru 1, Silviu Polosan 2, Horia V. Alexandru 1 |
1. University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Bucharest-Magurele mg-11, Bucharest 76900, Romania |
Abstract |
The oxides family of the PbO-Bi2O3-Ga2O3 (BGO) system is widely used in electronics, optoelectronics, fiber-optic amplifiers and lasers in the mid-IR, as scintillators, etc [1, 2]. Theirs low technological requirements and consequently low costs, make them subjects of intensive studies. Some new aspects in producing and characterizing BGO glasses will be presented. A 30 % Bi2O3 and 70 % GeO2 mixtures were prepared by wet-mixage in acetone. The mixtures, were dried at 100 oC, were melted at 1050 oC and than poured on a preheated graphite plate at different temperatures, below and over the glass transition temperature. Samples of ~1 mm thick and ~0.5 cm2 surface were structurally and optically analyzed at room temperature and compared to [3]. The permittivity and losses were also investigated on 45Hz-5MHz frequency range and continuously from -100 oC to +200 oC temperature interval, using a Quatro Cryosystem and HIOKI 035-22 RLC bridge. The relative permittivity continuously increases at a rate of 3.5 10-3/ oC on this temperature range. Important changes could be noticed with frequencies and temperatures in subsequent measurements till 400 oC, were the samples properties are affected by crystallization processes. At temperatures higher than 250 oC, the higher mobility of building units in the lattice increases the permittivity values. The cluster mobility may be responsible for the permittivity increase in the range temperature, 275-300 oC at low frequencies. At high temperatures (≥ 300 oC) individual atomic/ionic components appear to have much higher mobility. The losses behavior shows the contribution of different activated mechanism with temperatures and frequency. References: [1] S. Polosan, E. Apostol, M. Secu, G. Aldica, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 2 (1) 93 (2005). [2] Sharaf El-Deen et al, Coplex. Internat., vol.09, (2002), p1-17. [3] Y.G. Choi and J. Heo, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 217, 199 (1997). |
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Presentation: Poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2008, Symposium C, by Ciceron A. Berbecaru Submitted: 2008-05-19 18:44 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:48 |