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Molecular underpinnings of the targeted therapy for cancer

Gabriel Wcisło 

Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny (WIM), Szaserów 128, Warszawa 00-909, Poland


Cancer is a real challenge for modern medicine. Biologically, it is of a host origin and therefore its eradication appears not so easy as one could expect to do it. Cancer presents itself with many faces as if it would be Janus the god. The basic knowledge on tumorigenesis at the level of evolutionary science is weak. Additionally, accumulating molecular data are still focused on experimental systems, but more important fact is to determine the molecular pathobiology that could have impact on improvement of control of malignant disease. Poland is among the countries with high cancer morbidity and mortaity. Multidisciplinary approach to detect, control, and treat cancer diseases is the only way to get improved clinical results. Moreover, it is worth pointing out that individual considerations of every patient would offer clinical benefits. Biology of human tumors with the modern armament of molecular  and chemical methods would be  a help-hand to construct novel drugs. Making a list of crucial pathways worth bloking with their translation into clinical benefits appears to be a great step forward. Chemistry is a real partner to modern medicine due to a technical possibility to have impact on molecules (xenobiotics) that will finally become proved drugs. Combinatorial chemistry offers automated methods for pipeline organic synthsis a large number of chemicals that are further capable of undrtaking investigation at a bed. Many chemicals have been used for more than ten years upon treating various cancer patients. New drugs have various origin , i.e. monoclonal antibodies (Herceptin, Erbitux, Avastin) or small molecules (Glivec, Tarceva, Sutent, Nexavar). We do hope that in the future many new drugs will be available for treatmant of particular disease in relation to genetic characterization of individual patient’s tumor. At the same time, we realize the great need for changes in the financial facets of modern individual treatment, and hoping not to hamper the development of new drugs due to the lack of financial solution how to make new and expesive drugs available to many patients.           


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Presentation: Invited oral at VI Multidyscyplinarna Konferencja Nauki o Leku, by Gabriel Wcisło
See On-line Journal of VI Multidyscyplinarna Konferencja Nauki o Leku

Submitted: 2008-04-28 12:16
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:48