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LC/MS/MS as a tool for profiling metabolites of active substances

Piotr T. Tarnowski 

Applied Biosystems (AB), Przasnyska 6B, Warszawa 01-756, Poland


LC/MS/MS is a method of choice for profiling metabolites of active substances during the drug development process. This approach permits to effectively identify and characterize metabolites in complex matrix. First step of the process, e.g. identification of metabolites can be done on ion trap mass spectrometers, and partially on triple quadrupole type instruments.

In contrary to ion traps usually used in a single MS scan mode, triple quadrupole gives more possibilities. Scan modes such as precursor ion scan and neutral loss provide a very selective method for the identification of structurally similar metabolites, even in presence of major background contaminations from complex biological matrices. With these selective scan modes, conventional triple quadrupole can effectively identify metabolite candidates for further characterization analysis. Other triple quadrupole approach for monitoring theoretically possible metabolites is to use Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) experiment, which is an ultra-high sensitivity scan mode.

The next step of the process is the characterization of identified metabolites. This process is mainly performed using ion trap mass spectrometers, due to their great performance in all scan based modes.

In the presentation, above mentioned methods will be compared on real life example and it will be explain why with different approaches it is possible to find different number of metabolites.


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Presentation: Oral at VI Multidyscyplinarna Konferencja Nauki o Leku, by Piotr T. Tarnowski
See On-line Journal of VI Multidyscyplinarna Konferencja Nauki o Leku

Submitted: 2008-04-24 13:35
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:48