Introduction Yersinia enterocolitica was added to the list of foodborne pathogenic micro-organisms . Yersinia is a typical member of the Enterobacteriaceae, is "low temperature" and are able to grow at 40 C and perfectly survive long periods in frozen conditions. Foods products (ham, tofu, chocolate milk, vegetable salad) kept in refrigerating conditions, especially those vacuum-packed, can be caused foodborne outbreak of yersiniosis. Cooling and freezing methods used on a large scale and a then use of microwaves for preparation of meals, often of a limited used kitchen salt, preservative, and acidity favours the survival and grow of such micro-organisms like Y. enterocolitica. The effect of hydrostatic pressure ( UHP ) and dose of albumine on cultures of Yersinia enterocolitica in saline solution was investigated.
Materials and methods Y. enterocolitica serovar 05 was isolated from pork heart. The colony count of microorganisms in control samples was 7,5 x 107 cfu/ml. 5 ml of culture was treated at hydrostatic pressure from 100 to 400 MPa for 10 minutes. The applied doses of albumine were 0%, 0,3%, 1%, 5% and 10%. The experiments was carried out at room temperatute in High Pressure Research Center, Polish Academy of Science. The pressure increase up to the required level in 30 - 60 secunds and depressurisation was done in 60 secunds.
Results Pressure of 100 and 200MPa did not decrease number of bacteria ( cfu ) in all of the investigated samples. Presure of 300MPa for each albumine and fat level was sufficient for killing all cells of Y. enterocolitica. The study proved that the levels of 20% and 40% of sugar in fruit juices and concentrates had baroprotective effect on survival rate of Yersinia enterocolitica, 3% NaCL solution as a culture medium increased sensibility of Y. enterocolitica to High Pressure treatment. There was no observed baroprotective effect of adition to the sample medium of albumin and different fat levels in milk cream on survival rate of Yersinia enterocolitica.