Presenting person
November 4th, Wednesday |
11:00 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Hideki Takayasu |
Similarity and difference between colloidal random walk and financial random walk |
11:30 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Ladislav Kristoufek |
Detrended fluctuation analysis as a regression framework: Estimating dependence at different scales |
12:00 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Paweł Oświęcimka |
Asymmetry Effect in Fractal Organization of Financial Time Series |
12:30 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Dariusz Grech |
Where and how is multiscaling hidden in real time series? A case of financial data |
14:00 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Stanisław Drożdż |
Complexity characteristics of world econo- and sociophysics scientific collaboration network |
14:30 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Davor Horvatic |
The Cost of Attack in Competing Networks |
15:00 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Rosario N. Mantegna |
Patterns of investment of single investors at the Nordic Stock Exchange |
15:30 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Tiziana Di Matteo |
A navigation map in the complexity of financial markets |
17:00 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Czesław Mesjasz |
Prediction in physics, economics, finance and management: Similarities and discrepancies |
17:30 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Ryszard Kutner |
Universality of market superstatistics. Superscaling |
18:00 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Andrzej Kulig |
Zipf distribution related characteristics of punctuation marks in narrative texts |
18:20 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Ewa M. Syczewska |
Granger causality, transfer entropy and GARCH models |
November 5th, Thursday |
09:00 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Zbigniew R. Struzik |
Catastrophic events that matter |
09:30 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Takashi Odagaki |
Self-organization of extreme hierarchies in competitive societies |
10:00 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Jacek Chudziak |
On a risk measure related to the certainty equivalent under Cumulative Prospect Theory |
10:20 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Jakub Porzycki |
Social network generation based on census data |
11:20 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Marcel Ausloos |
Studies on Regional Wealth Inequalities |
11:50 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Zdzislaw Burda |
Tax on income vs tax on wealth in a model of wealth distribution |
12:20 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Bartłomiej Dybiec |
Rises and falls in money addicted social hierarchies |
12:40 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Paweł Sobkowicz |
Breakdown of metastable political duopoly due to asymmetry of emotions in partisan propaganda |
15:00 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Misako Takayasu |
Application of analysis and modeling of complex business relation network |
15:30 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Vygintas Gontis |
Interplay between endogenous and exogenous fluctuations in financial markets |
16:00 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Janusz Miśkiewicz |
Cross-Correlation of FOREX exchange rates using power law classification scheme. |
17:30 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Sonia Bentes |
On the conditional behaviour of stock market volatility: A comparative analysis using the FIGARCH model |
18:00 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Paweł Fiedor |
Structural Sustainability of the Polish Trade System |
18:20 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Urszula Grzybowska |
Propensity score matching and its application to risk drivers selection in financial setting |
November 6th, Friday |
09:00 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Jarosław Kwapień |
The generalized detrended cross-correlation coefficient ρq and its application to financial data. |
09:30 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Robert Gębarowski |
Agent-based modelling of commodity market dynamics |
10:00 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Tomasz Gubiec |
Physics of polish banking system |
10:20 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska |
Two faces of word-of-mouth: understanding the impact of social interactions on demand curves for innovative products |
11:30 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Janusz A. Hołyst |
How much information is in New York Times articles ? |
12:00 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Arkadiusz J. Orłowski |
Applications of artificial intelligence methods to econophysics problems |
12:30 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Danuta Makowiec |
Complex networks tools for resolving heart rate dynamics |
12:50 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Second Bwanakare |
Quantitative analysis of meteorological data |
14:30 |
00:30:00 |
Invited oral |
Krzysztof Kułakowski |
No more presidents in my family |
15:00 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Katarzyna B. Sznajd-Weron |
The diamond model of social response within an agent-based approach. |
15:20 |
00:20:00 |
Oral |
Karolina Ćwik |
Agent-based modeling of the intention-behavior gap: The case of dynamic electricity tariffs |