2 Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum "Fizyka w Ekonomii i Naukach...

 on-line journal

Presenting person

April 22nd, Saturday

09:00 00:40:00 Oral Maria Nawojczyk Universalism versus particularism through ESS lenses
09:45 00:20:00 Oral Bartłomiej Dybiec Influence of economic and social factors on disease control strategies
10:10 00:20:00 Oral Adam Krawiec Methods of dynamical systems theory in modelling economic growth
10:35 00:20:00 Oral Magdalena Szpunar Sociology as social physics. Myth or reality?
11:30 00:40:00 Oral Wojciech Słomczyński Diffusion processes and Penrose's law in voting theory
12:15 00:20:00 Oral Krzysztof Malarz Gossip in random networks
12:40 00:20:00 Oral Mateusz Waśko Efficiency of social dimerization
13:05 00:20:00 Oral Tadeusz Sozański On Winning and Blocking Power in Voting Games
15:30 00:20:00 Oral Marta Olcoń Blog as a new form of sociality
15:55 00:20:00 Oral Bartłomiej Wacław Modelling Homogeneous Complex Networks
16:20 00:20:00 Oral Krzysztof Suchecki Voter model on Sierpinski fractals
17:15 00:20:00 Oral Szymon Czarnik Solidarity in the shadow of class-struggle history. Some experimental evidence on redistributive behavior.
17:40 00:20:00 Oral Magdalena Jelonek Modeling hierarchical structures - Hierarchical Linear Modeling using MPlus.
18:05 00:20:00 Oral Krzysztof Kułakowski Needs and decisions in ghetto
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