Austria |
Wien |
1 |
Wien |
1 |
University of Vienna, BWZ |
Belgium |
Liège |
1 |
GRAPES, U Lg, Sart Tilman |
Brazil |
Sao Paulo |
1 |
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras, Dept de Física e Matem. |
Sao Paulo |
1 |
Universidade de Sao Paulo, Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica |
Canada |
Vancouver |
1 |
Simon Fraser University |
China |
Beijing |
2 |
Beijing Normal University |
Changsha, Hunan |
1 |
Czech Republic |
Prague |
3 |
Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Information Theory and Automation |
Prague |
1 |
Charles University, Faculty of Science |
Denmark |
Lyngby |
1 |
Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark |
France |
Marseille |
2 |
GREQAM and Université de la Méditerranée |
Nice |
2 |
Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, UNSA |
Aix-en-Provence |
1 |
GREQAM, Paul Cézanne University |
Arcueil |
1 |
Inrets |
Brest |
1 |
Telecom Bretagne and ICI Université de Bretagne Occidentale |
Dijon |
1 |
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Dijon |
Lyon |
1 |
Université de Lyon |
Marseille |
1 |
Nice |
1 |
Nice |
1 |
Laboratoire Dieudonné-CNRS |
Paris |
1 |
Banque de France, research department |
Paris |
1 |
Economics Traffic Clinic |
Paris |
1 |
Paris |
1 |
Laboratoire d Informatique de Paris VI |
Paris |
1 |
Pantheon Sorbonne University |
Germany |
Kiel |
4 |
Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel |
Frankfurt am Main |
1 |
Frankfurt Univeristy |
Potsdam |
1 |
University of Potsdam |
Hungary |
Budapest |
1 |
Corvinus University, Department of Finance |
Iran |
Mashhad |
1 |
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad |
Ireland |
Dublin |
2 |
Trinity College, Deptartment of Physics |
Italy |
Ancona |
3 |
Università Politecnica delle Marche Department of Economics |
Genova |
2 |
DIBE-CINEF, University of Genoa |
Roma |
2 |
Torino |
2 |
Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation |
Bari |
1 |
Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e metodi Matematici |
Bologna |
1 |
University of Bologna, Department of Economics |
Bologna |
1 |
University of Bologna Dept. Matemates |
Camerino |
1 |
University of Camerino |
Genova |
1 |
University of Genova |
Milano |
1 |
Catholic University |
1 |
University of Milano-Bicocca |
Padova |
1 |
Dipartimento Ingegneria Meccanica Università di Padova |
Pallermo |
1 |
Università di Palermo |
Pisa |
1 |
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies |
Rende, Cosenza |
1 |
D.E.I.S., Department of Electronics, Computer and System Sciences, University of Calabria |
Roma |
1 |
Roma |
1 |
Institute of Complex Systems, CNR |
Torino |
1 |
Dipartimento di Economia S. Cognetti de Martiis |
Torino |
1 |
Università di Torino |
Trento |
1 |
Faculty of Economic, University of Trento |
Trento |
1 |
University of Trento |
Verona |
1 |
Economics Deparment, University of Verona |
Japan |
Kyoto |
2 |
Kyoto University |
Aomori |
1 |
Faculty of Management and Economics, Aomori Public College |
Ibaraki |
1 |
University of Tsukuba |
Kanagawa |
1 |
Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Kure |
1 |
Japan Coast Guard Academy |
Okayama |
1 |
Okayama University, Graduate school of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Osaka |
1 |
Osaka City University |
Osaka |
1 |
Osaka University. ISIR. |
Osaka |
1 |
The Research Center of Socionetwork Strategies, Kansai University |
Suita |
1 |
Kansai University |
Tokyo |
1 |
Chuo University |
Yokosuka |
1 |
National Defense Academy |
Poland |
Warszawa |
6 |
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Physics |
Warszawa |
4 |
Warsaw University of Technology, Centre of Excellence for Complex Systems Research |
Gdańsk |
2 |
Gdansk University, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, |
Kraków |
2 |
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Warsaw |
2 |
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics |
Warszawa |
2 |
Warsaw University, Faculty of Economics |
Gdańsk |
1 |
Student of University of Gdansk, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Information Science |
Kraków |
1 |
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science |
Kraków |
1 |
Jagiellonian University, Institute of Physics |
Otwock-Świerk |
1 |
Andrzej Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies |
Warsaw |
1 |
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw |
Warsaw |
1 |
Warsaw University Faculty of Economic Sciences |
Warszawa |
1 |
Central institute for labour protection national research institute |
Warszawa |
1 |
Warsaw University, Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics |
Warszawa |
1 |
Warsaw University, Faculty of Physics |
Wrocław |
1 |
Wrocław University, Institute of Theoretical Physics |
Portugal |
Lisboa |
1 |
University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences |
Lisbon |
1 |
University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences, Computer Science Dep |
Porto |
1 |
LIAAD-INESC and Faculdade de Economia do Porto |
Romania |
Bucharest |
1 |
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest |
Russian Federation |
Moscow |
1 |
A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Moscow |
1 |
Institute of Developmental Biology, RAS |
Moscow |
1 |
Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" |
Spain |
Madrid |
3 |
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Palma de Mallorca |
2 |
Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems |
Barcelona |
1 |
Department de Fisica Fonamental, Universitat de Barcelona |
Madrid |
1 |
IMDEA Matemáticas |
Sweden |
Stockholm |
1 |
Dep. of Sociology, Stockholm Univ. |
Switzerland |
Zurich |
1 |
ETH Zurich |
Zürich |
1 |
ETH Zürich |
Taiwan |
Taipei |
2 |
National Chengchi University, Department of Economics, AI-Econ Research Center |
Taipei |
1 |
National Taipei University |
United Kingdom |
Bath |
2 |
University of Bath |
Bedford |
1 |
Complex Research Center, School of Management, Cranfield University |
Birmingham |
1 |
Aston University |
Leicester |
1 |
University of Leicester |
London |
1 |
City University |
London |
1 |
Volterra consulting |
St. Andrews |
1 |
School of Economics and Finance |
Uxbridge |
1 |
Brunel University |
United States |
Fairfax |
3 |
George Mason University |
Boston, MA |
2 |
Center for Polymer Studies and Department of Physics, Boston University |
Ann Arbor |
1 |
University of Michigan |
Clinton |
1 |
Hamilton College |
Los Alamos, NM |
1 |
Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Los Angeles, CA |
1 |
UCLA Department of Economics |
New York, NY |
1 |
Queens College, City University of New York |