Australia |
Sydney |
1 |
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation |
Belgium |
Gent |
1 |
Ghent University, Department of Organic Chemistry, Research Group SynBioC |
Leuven |
1 |
Molecular design and synthesis |
Bulgaria |
Plovdiv |
1 |
University of Plovdiv |
Sofia |
1 |
Uniersity of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy |
Czech Republic |
Brno |
2 |
Masaryk University, Faculty of Sciences |
Brno |
1 |
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering |
Prague |
1 |
Czech Academy of Sciences, Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry |
Estonia |
Tartu |
1 |
Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu |
Tartu |
1 |
Institute of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, University of Tartu |
Finland |
Jyvaskyla |
2 |
Technical Research Centre of Finland |
Jyvaskyla |
1 |
University of Jyväskylä |
France |
Le Bourget du Lac |
3 |
Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire et Environnement - Université de Savoie |
Besançon |
2 |
Université Franche-Comté |
Lyon |
1 |
Université de Lyon |
Toulouse |
1 |
Laboratoire de Génie Chimique |
Toulouse |
1 |
UMR CNRS, Laboratoire de Génie Chimique |
Germany |
Hamburg |
3 |
Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of wastewater management and water protectio |
Jena |
2 |
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena |
Goettingen |
1 |
Universitaet Goettingen |
Hamburg |
1 |
TuTech Innovation GmbH |
Karlsruhe |
1 |
Water Technology Center |
Köln |
1 |
Cologne University of Applied Sciences |
Leipzig |
1 |
Institut für Nichtklassische Chemie |
Leipzig |
1 |
Universität Leipzig |
Leipzig |
1 |
Universität Leipzig, Institut für Analytische Chemie |
Greece |
Athens |
1 |
National Hellenic Research Foundation, Institute of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
Chania |
1 |
Technical University of Crete, Department of Environmental Engineering |
Volos |
1 |
University of Thessaly |
Ireland |
Cork |
1 |
Cork University College, Department of Chemistry |
Israel |
Ramat-Gan |
1 |
Bar-Ilan University |
Italy |
1 |
University of Milan |
Modena |
1 |
Universita di Modena and Reggio Emilia |
Prato |
1 |
Tecnotessile |
Torino |
1 |
Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco |
Venezia |
1 |
Department of Environmental Sciences, University Cà Foscari Venezia |
Lithuania |
Kaunas |
2 |
Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Organic Technology |
Netherlands |
Amsterdam |
1 |
Vrije University, dept of chemistry |
Poland |
Kraków |
1 |
Cracow University of Technology |
Kraków |
1 |
Cracow University of Technology, Chair of Polymer Science and Technology |
Kraków |
1 |
Cracow University of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers |
Warszawa |
1 |
Instytut Wysokich Ciśnień PAN |
Warszawa |
1 |
Pielaszek Research |
Warszawa |
1 |
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Pressure Physics |
Portugal |
Guimarães |
3 |
University of Minho |
Slovakia (Slovak Rep.) |
Bratislava |
1 |
Comenius University, Department of Organic Chemistry |
Bratislava |
1 |
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Chemistry |
Kosice |
1 |
P. J. Safarik University |
Slovenia |
Maribor |
1 |
Facultyof Mechanical Engineering |
Spain |
Alicante |
4 |
University of Alicante |
Badajoz |
1 |
Universidad de Extremadura |
Coruña |
1 |
Univ. Santiago |
Vigo |
1 |
University of Vigo |
Turkey |
Istanbul |
1 |
Bogazici University |
United Kingdom |
Coventry |
3 |
Coventry University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences |
Bath |
1 |
University of Bath, Department of Chemistry |
Dundee |
1 |
University of Abertay Dundee |
Hull |
1 |
Department of Chemistry |
United States |
Berkeley, CA |
1 |
University of California |