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Krystyna M. Czerwińska ,  Teresa Kaniewska ,  Aleksander P. Mazurek 

National Institute of Public Health, Chełmska 30/34, Warszawa 00-725, Poland


Hypertension is one of the most widespread diseases of cardiovascular system. The angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARA) are effective in all stages of hypertension.

The aim of this study was elaboration of a simple and sensitive chromatographic method allowing to identify and determine the compounds from the ARA group in pharmaceutical preparations.


The identification of ARA: potassium losartan, irbesartan, candesartan cilexetil, telmisartan, valsartan and eprosartan methanesulphonate with thin-layer chromatography have been elaborated.

Two optimal systems have been chosen for experiments:

System 1: HPTLC F254 chromatographic plates and the mobile phase: methylene

chloride - ethyl acetate - ethanol - glacial acetic acid - water


System 2: RP-Diphenyl chromatographic plates (Wattman) and the mobile phase:

acetonitrile - methanol - 0.1 mol/l ammonium acetate - 25% ammonia


System 1 were used to elaborate the densitometric method for the determination of the studied compounds in pharmaceutical preparations.

The quantitation limit was 0.5mg for potassium losartan, irbesartan, candesartan cilexetil and valsartan, and 1mg for telmisartan and eprosartan methanesulphonate. The detection limit was 0.01µg for candesartan cilexitil, 0.02µg for irbesartan, telmisartan and valsartan, 0.05µg for eprosartan methanosulphonate and potassium losartan.

The recovery was satisfactory; the mean per cent of recovery were close to 100 and the results were within 98-102%.


Determination of the content of the studied angiotensin receptor antagonists in the pharmaceutical preparations: Lorista tablets, Aprovel tablets, Blopress tablets, Micardis tablets, Diovan tablets and Teveten tablets was performed with densitometric method. Statistical data obtained for the elaborated method show satisfactory precision and accuracy. The elaborated densitometric methods are simple, less expensive compared to the HPLC method and can be applied in laboratory practice.


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Presentation: Poster at V Multidyscyplinarna Konferencja Nauki o Leku, by Krystyna M. Czerwińska
See On-line Journal of V Multidyscyplinarna Konferencja Nauki o Leku

Submitted: 2006-01-31 10:49
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:44