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Video Lectures recorded at the Conference are already publicly available at https://www.youtube.com/user/fensPW/videos!
Conference registration, all lectures, poster session, lunches and coffee breaks will take place at the Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology - Physics Building, Koszykowa 75 street . You can use the map which is placed on our Faculty web-pages.
Please also check the current TIMETABLE of the conference.
The Registration, will take place in the lobby of Physics Building, Koszykowa 75 street during following hours:
If you are interested in collective dynamics of socio-techno networks and affective interactions in such systems then you are invited to the Final Conference of the EU FP7 CYBER EMOTIONS Project.
The overall objective of this conference is twofold:
Topics of the Conference include:
Conference Scientific Committee:
We are inviting specialists in Conference topics to submit abstract of their contributions to the Conference programme. The programme of the Conference will consist of talks and posters. The Scientific Committee will evaluate all abstract and decide on paper acceptance.
Abstracts must be submitted (see abstract submission deadlines ) using on-line abstract editor . The following rules of the abstract composition apply:
We would like to inform all participants whose abstracts have been accepted about the possibility of sending your contribution to the Conference e-repository. The papers will be subject to single-blind peer-reviewed process and the following timetable has been set:
The size of the paper or number of colour figures is not limited. The accepted format of the paper is the one used by Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences - below we include templates for LaTeX, Word 2003 as well as Word 2007-10.
Additionally, abstracts of submitted papers will will be published in a paper form as a special issue of Warsaw University of Technology Academic Press (ISBN number will be provided).
The papers should be sent to [email protected]. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions, we are waiting for your contributions!Fees:
The fee covers admission to Conference sessions, conference materials, lunches, coffee breaks, conference dinner and conference proceedings.
Payment by wire transfer can be made to the following account:
Bank name: Pekao S.A. IV Oddzial Warszawa
IBAN: PL 65 1240 2092 9522 1050 0100 0000
Account holder: Warsaw University of Technology 1050.
Please insert in the transfer title the phrase "CYBER2013"!
Email: [email protected]
Scientific inquiries: Prof. Dr. Janusz Hołyst http://www.if.pw.edu.pl/~jholyst
Administrative inquiries: Mrs. Elżbeta MaślakWarsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Physics
Koszykowa 75
PL-00-662 Warsaw, Poland
Tel.: +48 22 2347133
Fax : +48 22 6282171