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prof Henryk Szymczak

phone: +48-22-6203346
fax: +48-22-6200697


Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics

address: al. Lotników 32/46, Warszawa, 02-668, Poland
phone: +48-22-8436601
fax: +48-22-8430926


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003

began: 2003-09-15
ended: 2003-09-11

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003

Ellipsometric studies of NdMnO3 single crystals

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003

Magnetic properties of La_0.9Ca_0.1CoO_3 single crystals


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004

began: 2004-09-06
ended: 2004-09-10


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

began: 2006-09-04
ended: 2006-09-08

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

Magnetic phase transition in pure and cobalt-doped geometrically frustrated Ni3V2O8 single crystals


  1. Acoustical and related effects in manganite compounds.
  2. Anisotropy of magnetic properties of the layered Co-based perovskite single crystals 'RBaCo_2O_{5+x}' (R = Dy, Tb, Eu)
  3. Atomic order and the interaction of electron and magnetic subsystems in epitaxial LaSr(Ca)MnO films
  4. Effect of the A-site randomness on magnetotransport properties of PrBaMn2O6 manganites.
  5. Ellipsometric studies of NdMnO3 single crystals
  6. EPR in kagome staircase compound Mg2.997Co0.003V2O8
  7. Growth and properties of ytterbium doped KY(WO4)2 nanocomposites
  8. Inhomogeneous magnetic state in LaMn0.5Fe0.5O3
  9. Magnetic and structural phase transitions in the La0.88MnOx system
  10. Magnetic phase transition in pure and cobalt-doped geometrically frustrated Ni3V2O8 single crystals
  11. Magnetic properties of La_0.9Ca_0.1CoO_3 single crystals
  12. Magnetic properties of low-doped Nd1-xCaxMnO3 manganites
  13. Magnetoelastic properties of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 film determined by FMR under stress
  14. Magnetoelastic properties of (La_{0.8}Ba_{0.2})_{0.93}MnO_3 single crystal.
  15. Mesoscopic inhomogeneity, 55Mn NMR, CMR and magneto-transport properties of La0.6Sr0.2Mn(1.2-x)Fe(x)O3 manganites
  16. Mesoscopic ordering effects in single-crystalline thin films of lanthanum manganites
  17. Neutron powder diffraction study of the anion-deficient La0.70Sr0.30MnO3.00-γ manganites
  18. Normal-state and superconducting properties of Ba1-xKxBiO3 single crystals
  19. Orbital correlations and magnetic phase transitions in lightly doped manganites and cobaltites
  20. Pressure and magnetic field effects on transport properties of ceramic and film samples (La_{0.7}Ca_{0.3})_{1-x}Mn_{1+x}O_3
  21. Self-Energy Effects in Manganite Tunneling
  22. Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of the La0.50Ba0.50MnO3 Nanomanganites
  23. The impedance of the melt-textured YBaCuO superconducting slab in high dc magnetic field
  24. Transport and magnetic properties of La_{2/3}Pb_{1/3}MnO_3 thin films

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