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Nicola Pompeo
e-mail: | *** |
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interest(s): | |
Affiliation: |
Rome, University "Roma Tre"
address: | Via Vasca Navale, 84, Roma, 00146, Italy | phone: | +39.06.55177268 | fax: | +39.06.5579078 | web: | | |
Affiliation: |
Rome, University "Roma Tre"
address: | Via Vasca Navale, 84, Roma, 00146, Italy | phone: | +39.06.55177268 | fax: | +39.06.5579078 | web: | | |
Affiliation: |
Rome, University "Roma Tre"
address: | Via Vasca Navale, 84, Roma, 00146, Italy | phone: | +39.06.55177268 | fax: | +39.06.5579078 | web: | | |
Affiliation: |
Rome, University "Roma Tre"
address: | , Roma, 00146, Italy | phone: | | fax: | | web: | | |
Affiliation: |
Universita di Roma Tre
address: | , Roma, , Italy | phone: | | fax: | | web: | | |
Affiliation: |
Dipartimento di Fisica and Unita' INFM, Universita' Roma Tre
address: | Via della Vasca Navale 84, Roma, 00146, Italy | phone: | | fax: | | web: | | |
Participant: |
Publications: |
- Microwave complex resistivity in High-T_c Superconductors in the mixed state
- Vortex motion and quasiparticle resistivity in superconductors at microwave frequencies
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