Nano2business workshopNano2business workshop |
Meeting of the foreign experts commitee of the nantional foresight project on advanced materials technology "FOREMAT"
9th February
at Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Aims of the Workshop
9th February: assessment of progress in Foresight study in the field of advanced materials in Poland.
(location: please go to "Registration and abstract submission" and next to "Surveys")
Wednesday 7th February 2007
09:00 am
Welcome Address
(Senat Room)
Tadeusz Kulik - Vice Rector of Warsaw University of Technology
Krzysztof Kurzydlowski, State Secretary in Ministry for
09:10 am
Witold Lojkowski – Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS,
Rudolf Frycek – European Commission
09:30 am
Intangible Assets and Financing of High-Tech Start-Ups
Matthias Werner – NMTC
09:50 am Experiences of nanotechnology SMEs
09.50 am
Recent progress in commercialisation of Blue Laser Diodes
Mike Leszczyński – TopGaN Ltd, Poland
10.10 am
Diamond Nanocoatings
Peter Gluche – GFD mbh, Germany
10:30 Coffee break (Room 123)
11:00 Incubator Models and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) – Part I (Senat Room)
An Ideal Technology Incubator
Paul W. Gilgen – EMPA, Switzerland
The UK Begbroke Science Park – from Science to Business
Alison Crossley – OMCS, Oxford University Begbroke Science Park, UK
12:00 am Lunch (Room 123)
13:00 pm Incubator Models and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) – Part II (Senat Room)
WMtech Materials for Micro and Nanotechnologies: example for a public - private partnership
Hans Fecht, University of Ulm, Germany
The CSEM Spin-off Model
Alex Dommann – CSEM, Switzerland
14:00 pm
Moderated brainstorming session. “How to make a good
(Senat Room & Room 123)
Moderation Group I:
(Senat Room)
Matthias Werner – NMTC, Germany
Alison Crossley – OMCS, Oxford University Begbroke Science
Park, UK
Moderation Group II: (Room 123)
Witold Lojkowski – UNIPRESS, Poland
Colin Johnston – Oxford Applied Technology Ltd, UK
15:30 pm Coffee Break (Room 123)
16:00 pm Presentation by Moderation Groups I and II (Senat Room)
16:20 pm
Summary of the first day
Witold Lojkowski – UNIPRESS, Poland
16:40 pm Questions from the Participants
17:00 pm End of the first Workshop Day
19.00 pm Diner in Restaurant “Chlopskie Jadlo”, 100 m from Hotel MDM entrance to the left.
Thursday 8th February 2007
10:00 am
Outline of the second workshop day
(Senat Room)
Witold Lojkowski – Unipress, Poland
10:10 am Thematic Networks: Benefits and Boundary Conditions?
HITEN Success and Failure of a European Network
Colin Johnston – Oxford Applied Technology Ltd, UK
10:40 am Brainstorming session. “How to develop a network that stimulates research and transfers nanotechnology to business?” (Senat Room & Room 123)
How should a network be organised?
How and when to measure the success of a network?
Moderation Group I:
(Senat Room)
Matthias Werner – NMTC, Germany
Alison Crossley – University of Oxford, UK
Moderation Group II:
(Room 123)
Colin Johnston – Oxford Applied Technology Ltd, UK
Witold Lojkowski – Unipress
12:00 am Lunch (Room 123)
13:00 pm Conclusion (Senat Room)
Witold Lojkowski – UNIPRESS, Poland
13:30 pm End of the workshop
The workhop is organised in the form of:
Two panel discussions
The group is divided into Panellists and Audience.
The panel group is 20 invited experts.
Friday 9th February 2007
Evaluation of progress of the National Foresight Project on strategies for research on advanced materials
For participants of the foreign experts advisory group and invited experts.
Venue: Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sokolowska 29/37, 01-142 Warsaw.
09:00 am presentation of the project results
Discussion of results and recommendations for further work.
12:00 am - end of meeting.
Witold Lojkowski, Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Paul W. Gilgen, EMPA, Switzerland
Matthias Werner, NMTC, Busines Information and Consulting, Germany
The workshop is funded by:
Nanoforum, European Project, see
Polish National Foresight project on Advanced Materials "Foremat"
Polish Network on Nanotechnology "NAMIC"
EMPA Switzerland
There is no particpation fee for the invited participants.
Other persons willing to participate please contact one of the organisers, Witold Lojkowski
2 February 24.00 (00.00 AM) : deadline for on line registration.2 February 24.00 (00.00 AM) :: upload of invited speakers presentations.
and: filling in an on-line questionaire that will be provided.
and final hotel reservation.
The Nano2Business workshop will be held in the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology. It is 10 min walking distance from hotel MDM.
The adress is Plac Politechniki 1. Senate Room
The Foresight meeting on 9th February will be held in the
building of the Institute of High Pressure Physics,
Sokolowska 29/37.
It is 20 min by taxi from the hotel. If you take one of the taxis with clear indication of the price on the side window (from 1.60 to 2.00 zloty - about half Euro/km) the cost will be less than 30 zl.
We reserved a block of rooms for the invited participants in
MDM, Plac Konstytucji, Warsaw
Please register personally by mailing or calling the hotel telling
arrival and departure date.
Organsiers cover costs of stay of invited particpants for the
6/7th and 7/8th and 8/9 February.
The hotel received from us the lsit of participants.
Address: MDM Hotel
Pl. Konstytucji 1
00-647 Warsaw, Poland
tel.: + 48 (0) 22 33 91 600
fax.: + 48 (0) 22 33 91 608
The hotel is about 30 min by taxi from Aitport.
It is in the city centre, on the main street of Warsaw:
Marszalkowska, with easy communication by public transport to all
important places of Warsaw.
Doc Witold Lojkowski,, phone +48 22 8880006
Dr. Janusz D. Fidelus,, phone +48 22 8880062
Mrs. Joanna Sobczyk,, phone +48 22 6324302
Social Programme
Dinner in Restaurant "Chlopskie Jadło" on 8th February, 19.00. Chlopskie jadlo means farmer's food.
The restaurant is 50 m from the entrance to the hotel. to the left if you go out.
Particpation upon invitation by organisers.