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Overview of COST D32 Action "Chemistry in high energy microenvironments" |
David J. Walton |
Coventry University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (COVUNI), Priory Street, Coventry CV15FB, United Kingdom |
Abstract |
COST D32 Action chemistry in high energy microenvironments concerns the use of ultrasound, microwaves and other energetic processes in chemistry, and there are synergic aspects with the COST D30 Action. The presenter is the Chairman of the Management Committee of D32. He will describe aims and activities of this Action, and will discuss interactions with D30. |
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Presentation: Oral at COST action D30 Mid term evaluation meeting, by David J. Walton Submitted: 2006-01-10 17:36 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |