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Heider balance in bilayer networks

Piotr J. Górski 1Krzysztof Kułakowski 2Przemysław Gawroński 2Janusz A. Hołyst 3,4

1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Physics, Koszykowa 75, Warszawa 00-662, Poland
2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (AGH), Mickiewicza 30, Kraków 30-059, Poland
3. Warsaw University of Technology, Centre of Excellence for Complex Systems Research, Koszykowa 75, Warszawa 00-662, Poland
4. National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO), Kronverkskiy 49, Saint-Petersburg 197101, Russian Federation

Links in a social network may describe friendly or hostile interpersonal relations. According to Heider balance theory these relations are changing in order to obtain balanced link triads. A triad is balanced when four axioms are fulfilled, e.g. ''a friend of my enemy is my enemy'' [1].

We analyze the formation of the Heider balance [2,3] in a bilayer network forming a link multiplex, i.e. when interlayer connections exist only between copies of the same link in different layers. Strengths of interlayer coupling are described by a pair of positive or negative parameters (β1, β2). The system dynamics is a link dynamics. Each link is described by a continuous variable between (-1) and (+1) and its evolution depends on neighbor links from the same layer and its replica from the other layer.

There are two processes driving system dynamics: a tendency to achieve Heider balance between links in a given layer and a tendency to follow the same or the opposite state of a corresponding link in the other layer. As a result, three types of solutions are possible: a non-stationary solution, a stationary solution with Heider balance and a stationary solution without Heider balance. For a given pair (β1, β2) there are phases where only one solution type is achieved and there are intermediate regions where, depending on the initial conditions, two solution types are possible. For instance, when both coupling coefficients are strong enough and of different signs the system always experiences oscillations. The obtained results comprise rich diagrams of model parameters that allow us to identify the areas of coupling coefficients leading to high probability of attaining Heider balance.

[1] F. Heider, The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations (Psychology Press, 1958).

[2] K. Kulakowski, P. Gawroński, and P. Gronek, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 16, 707 (2005)

[3] P.J. Górski, K. Kulakowski, P. Gawroński, and J.A. Hołyst, (to be published)


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Presentation: Poster at Econophysics Colloquium 2017, Symposium A, by Piotr J. Górski
See On-line Journal of Econophysics Colloquium 2017

Submitted: 2017-03-16 15:07
Revised:   2017-03-30 09:08