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Pension System in Guatemala

Jarosław Poteraj 

Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Infomatyki i Przedsiębiorczości w Łomży Instytut Społeczno-Humanistyczny (PWSIP), Akademicka 14, Łomża 18-400, Poland


The idea of knowledge pension arrangements in a country with a comparatively high proportion in the population of young people was the inspiration for the author for the preparation of this article. The aim of the research is to present past and present solutions to find in the Guatemalan pension system ideas that is worth using in the international after-equations . The author hypothesizes that in a country with a very high share of the shadow economy there is a low population coverage of participation in the pension system. The article is presented in the system: 1. General information about the country, 2. The historical development of the pension system, 3. The present state of the pension system and 4. Challenges and anticipated changes in the pension system. In conclusion, the author states, that the pension system in Guatemala is different from other systems in Latin America, above all, by the absence of the second, funded pension pillar. In addition, the country has not also created such system solutions of voluntary retirement savings as ones characteristic for the third pension pillar. In international comparisons, you should pay attention to the formula used in Guatemala indexation of pensions granted. Basing the valuation on actuarially justified possibilities of the pension scheme should be assessed very positively. Placed at the outset hypothesis that in Guatemala, a country with a very high share of the shadow economy, there is low coverage of the population participating in the pension system, received confirmation.


Auxiliary resources (full texts, presentations, posters, etc.)
  1. FULLTEXT: Pension System in Guatemala, PDF document, version 1.4, 0.2MB
  2. FULLTEXT: Pension System in Guatemala, PDF document, version 1.3, 0.5MB

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Presentation: Oral at Current Economic and Social Topics 2015, by Jarosław Poteraj
See On-line Journal of Current Economic and Social Topics 2015

Submitted: 2015-10-15 15:39
Revised:   2015-12-31 16:06