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Characterization of thick InxGa1-xAs metamorphic buffer layers grown by HVPE

Kevin L. Schulte 1Adam W. Wood 2Brian T. Zutter 1Tae Wan Kim 3Susan E. Babcock 2Luke J. Mawst 3Thomas F. Kuech 1

1. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Madison, WI 53706, United States
2. University of Wisconsin at Madison, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 1509 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706, United States
3. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Madison, WI 53706, United States


 Thick InxGa1-xAs metamorphic buffer layers (MBLs) were grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE). Relationships between MBL properties and grading rate, cap layer thickness, final xInAs, and deposition temperature (TD) were explored. The MBLs were characterized by measurement of in-plane residual strain (εll) at the surface by reciprocal space mapping, threading dislocation density (TDD) by etch pit studies and cathodoluminescence, and root mean square (RMS) surface roughness by atomic force microscopy (AFM). εll and surface roughness were not affected much by grading rate, as MBLs with thick grading regions had similar properties to those with thinner grades. The use of a thick capping layer led to higher levels of strain relaxation compared to MBLs with thin caps.  MBLs graded in discrete steps had similar properties to linearly graded MBLs indicating that strain was not trapped in the individual steps. TDD was generally correlated with εll , with more relaxed samples containing higher levels of dislocations. εll increased almost linearly with xInAs, though total relaxation increased as well. Relaxation as a function of xInAs could adequately be described by an equilibrium model, indicating that the MBLs reached a work hardened state where relaxation is controlled by dislocation interactions. TDD was constant from x = 0 to ~0.2, then increased exponentially. This behavior could not be described by theory, but was fit to an empirical model that previously described TDD in the InxGa1-xP system. The effect of TD on εll and TDD was somewhat unclear since it strongly affected growth rate and xInAs. TD did have a clear effect on RMS roughness, as samples grown with high TD (~770°C) exhibited a significant increase in surface roughness. Tilting behavior in these layers was measured by omega-phi mapping. It was found that tilt magnitude typically increased with xInAs and did not depend on grading style. The direction of the tilt was initially random on nominally (100) oriented substrates and changed as grading continued while exhibiting hysteresis. MBLs grown on 4° miscut substrates tilted in the almost exact opposite direction of the miscut, and the tilt magnitude for a given composition was greater. Defect structure of select samples was analyzed by TEM. It was found that threading dislocations serve as a source of misfit dislocations in subsequent layers, while no threading segments could be observed in the capping layers. The potential for device incorporation through use of chemical mechanical polishing will be demonstrated.


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Submitted: 2013-05-16 21:55
Revised:   2013-05-16 22:00