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Crisis in Private Equity Industry in Europe and Poland: Is It the End of It?

Witold A. Lucinski 

Politechnika Łódzka (PŁ), Wólczańska 215, Łódź 90-224, Poland


The current economic and financial crisis has touched all segments of economic life including private equity industry. At the beginning of this global financial crisis the unknown was only its duration, depth and which sectors of the financial market would be affected the most. The main goal of this paper is to analyse the influence of crisis on private equity industry in Europe and Poland paying special attention to the level of its influence on raising funds, investments, exits and portfolios’ growth. General outline of the nearest prospects for the private equity industry is included. The author made also an attempt to find similarities and differences between Polish and European shape of development of the private equity industry in the period of 2000-2011.


Auxiliary resources (full texts, presentations, posters, etc.)
  1. FULLTEXT: Crisis in Private Equity Industry in Europe and Poland: Is It the End of It?, Microsoft Office Document, 0.1MB

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Presentation: Poster at Current Economic and Social Topics CEST2013, Symposium on Financial Market Analysis, by Witold A. Lucinski
See On-line Journal of Current Economic and Social Topics CEST2013

Submitted: 2013-05-10 14:19
Revised:   2014-01-22 12:09