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Growth and characterization of L- glutamic acid and sodium sulphate doped triglycine sulphate single crystal

Siva Sankari Raghavan ,  Rajesh Narayana Perumal 

Centre for Crystal Growth,SSN College of Engineering,Kalavakkam,Chennai, Chennai 603110, India


Tri glycine sulphate is one of the most promising ferroelectric crystal exhibiting good pyroelectric properties,because of second order transition at room temperature (Curie temperature = 49oC) and higher pyroelectric coefficient. TGS fits into polar point group2 with spontaneous polarization along b axis if the temperature is below curie temperature and centrosymmetric point  group 2/m above the curie temperature. TGS can be depolarized by thermal,electric and mechanical power.In order to stabilize TGS ,an optically active molecule is done. The substitution of such a molecule creates an internal bias field into TGS by which crystal becomes permanently depolarized.In this paper, L -glutamic acid and sodium sulphate are selected as dopants.TGS crystal was doped with L- glutamic acid and sodium sulphate,harvested to study the change in phase transition temperature and electric studies.

TGS was synthesized by taking analar grade glycine and conc. sulphuric acid in 3:1 molar ratio. Then the dopnts L - glutamic acid and sodium sulphate were doped in 2 mol%, 4 mol% and 5 mol% molar ratio individually. Calculated amount of glycine was added with sulphuric acid which was diluted with millipore water, Once all dopants are clearly dissolved,they are filtered  using whatman filter paper.Single crystalswere harvested by 30 days. Single crystal XRD anaysis was using Enraf - Nonius CAD4 diffarcto meter.The single crystal XRD shows a slight variation in the lattice parameters.This may be attributed to the effect of doping.The crystal retains its crystal system.FTIR analysis is done with perkins Elmer spectrophotometer.FTIR analysis was carried out to analyze the presence of L - glutamic acid sodium sulphate qualitatively.FTIR was done in the range 400cm-1 to 4000cm-1 The optical absorbance was recorded by Hitatchi spectrophotometer in the range 200 - 600 nm.The UV Cut off for the doped crystal is 235nm.The DSC analysis was done Metler Tledo DSC 821e caloriemeter,The phase transition temperature has increased to 50oC.Dielectric measurements were made in the rangeHIOKI N3532-50 LCR Hitester with a temperature range 40oC to 60oC.The dielectric constant increases with temperature and reaches a maximum at 50oC.AC conductivity also increases with temperature and reaches a maximum at the same temperature.The increase in phase transition temperature is due to thye effect of doping.The increase in phase transition temperature is shown in DSC studies


Auxiliary resources (full texts, presentations, posters, etc.)
  1. FULLTEXT: Growth and characterization of L- glutamic acid and sodium sulphate doped triglycine sulphate single crystal, Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, 0MB

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Presentation: Poster at 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy - ICCGE-17, General Session 5, by Siva Sankari Raghavan
See On-line Journal of 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy - ICCGE-17

Submitted: 2013-04-15 18:31
Revised:   2013-07-30 11:58