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Viral spread with or without emotions in online community

Andrzej Jarynowski 1,2Jarosław Jankowski 3Anita Zbieg 4,5

1. Jagiellonian University, Institute of Physics (IF UJ), Reymonta 4, Kraków 30-059, Poland
2. Stockholm University (SU), Stockholm SE-106 91, Sweden
3. Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny, Szczecin 70-210, Poland
4. Wrocław University of Economics, ul. Komandorska 118/120, Wrocław 53-345, Poland
5. University of Wrocław, Institute of Psychology, ul. Dawida 1, Wrocław 50-527, Poland


We propose an approach to modeling the behavior of online community exposed on external impulses. The results presented based on online multilayer system observation. We run experiments, where we introduced viral to system and agents were able to propagate it. There were two modes of experiment: with or without award. Dynamic of spreading both of virals were described by epidemiological model and diffusion. We found that speed of propagation is much faster than natural disease and can be understand more like planned, terrorist attack. On the other hand such a process has something in common with super-diffusion. Results from experiment were compared with real propagation process – spontaneous organization against ACTA. During general-national protest against new antypiracy laws – ACTA, members of chosen community could send such a anty-ACTA viral. In this scenario, we are able to capture behavior of society, when real emotion play a role, and compare results with artificiality conditioned experiments. Moreover, we could measure effect of emotions in viral propagation.


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See On-line Journal of CyberEmotions conference

Submitted: 2012-09-30 22:23
Revised:   2012-11-08 14:34