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Effect of selol on the opioids activity in vincristine induced hyperalgesia.

Magdalena I. Bujalska 1Stanisław W. Gumułka 

1. Akademia Medyczna, Żwirki i Wigury 61, Warszawa 02-091, Poland


The development of vincristine model of chemotherapeutic-induced painful toxic neuropathy provides an opportunity to investigate mechanisms involved in this form of neuropathic pain.

 We examined (1) the effect of the opioid receptor agonists and (2) the effect of organoselenium compound (selol), on antinociceptive action of opioid agonists, morphine, fentanyl as well as ago-antagonist with potent analgesic activity, buprenorphine, - in vincristine neuropathic pain model. The changes in pain thresholds were determined using mechanical stimuli - the modification of the classic paw withdrawal test described by Randall-Selitto. Daily administration of VIN (70 μg/kg, iv) resulted in progressive decrease of pain threshold.

In conclusion, the results of present paper suggest, that selol significantly increases  analgesic activity of opioids in vincristine model of chemotherapeutic-induced painful toxic neuropathy. This observation can be clinically relevant since selol possess anticancer activity. Therefore, concomitant administration of selenium and opioids may be benefitial in terminal neoplastic states.


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Submitted: 2008-03-14 16:36
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:44