The Conference webpage can be changed at any time, from any point by any number of co-editors.

With a user-friendly graphical editor.


Attachment option allows to upload files to The Conference Engine server. The files may be:

  • PDF documents
  • presentations
  • video clips
  • maps, images, etc.
Attachments can be uploaded in the Attachments panel. In order to upload a new file, please fill the following fields:
  • Filename - specify name of the file to be uploaded or (better) use "Browse" button to select the file directly from the local filesystem.
  • Label - a name to be displayed in "Downloads" section of the website. This should be short and informative for the users (e.g. "Printable programme", "Welcome video clip").
  • Type - a selection of content types. Please choose one that describes best the file being attached.
  • World access - file access policy for everyone in the Internet.
  • Team access - describes access policy for registered users only.
After all fields are filled, press "Add" button to start file upload. Please note, that uploading of the file may take several minutes. Please do not interupt browser during the transfer.

Once the file is uploaded to the server, it becomes accessible by the link provided ("Link" field). You may copy this link and paste whereever you wish in the section content.